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  • 30 min
  • Art
  • History
mosaico romano

Because it’s there, thanks to the availability of the kind pharmacist and present owner of the ancient house of Engineer Francini Naldi, that one can have access to a suprising secret, that reveals the most remote history of Asciano.

This large mosaic , dating back to the IVth century A.D. ,is considered part of a rural villa, probably provided with thermal baths.

The mosaic pieces made up of small cubes of precious stones of various colours, had been accurately positioned to decorate a large rectangular space and also another space but with a different pattern.

One of the spaces is decorated with a repeated series of circles, with sinous and stylized leaves, whereas the decoration of the other is mainly characterized by the ancient interlacing called “Salmon’s knot”, also known as a symbol of the union between man and divinity.

Black and white geometric shapes with small arches that enrich simple geometric figures with wisely shaded colurs frame the whole design.

Unfortunately events that had to do with this building are still a mystery; but try to feel the emotion of discovering this hidden jewel, a precious carpet from Roman Ages, realized with small yellow, red, light blue, white and black pieces, set to design interlaces and luxuriant leaves and magnificent geometric patterns, exactly as in the ancient Algerian carpets, so much appreciated by our Roman ancestors.

Francesco Giorni, Francesco Brogi


Visits available by request to the pharmacy staff

De Munari’s Pharmacy, Corso Giacomo Matteotti 82, Asciano (Siena).

Tel. +39 0577 714450
Mobile: +39 348 0847875
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